Creative design
in brand and digital


Studio Tropical is an international design consultancy led by Aurelia Fontana Giusti. 

I am a designer and art director and have been working with creative agencies, startups and companies internationally for 15+ years to bring purpose and quality to their overall brand experience. My studio aims to create long-term solutions for brands and people. My focus lies in design strategy, brand identities, and digital design systems ranging from a holistic to a detail perspective. 

The studio is located in São Paulo, Brazil, where I work remotely with clients worldwide.

I am passionate about design, creative leadership and traveling.

Aurelia Fontana Giusti, for Studio Tropical

Awards & certifications

Spot School Award - 2nd price winner for Social
Utility Campaign for Caritas, Salerno, Italy | 2007

Creative Leadership
Certification - EBAC | 2022

Skills assessment
Certification - Chance | 2022